Hacking Web App Security

As part of Bob Allen's Code Craftman Saturdays, we had Shanti Suresh present a hands on workshop at Pillar Technology's Forge 4.0 location in Ann Arbor.

Her class shed some light onto what cool computer hackers mean when they say they are going to hack into a system.

Bob Allen and Shanti Suresh

For this workshop,  which ran 5 keyboard hours we started with an introduction to the different terms such as

Phase 1 : Introduction to security 

Shanti spoke about when and why security became an important aspect of application development and gave a brief overview of the following.
  • Security
  • Authentication
  • Authorization
Next we got down and dirty.

Phase 2 : Setting up with Zap

Using primarily two tools, WebGoat 6.0.1  and Zap (beware of using Zap... it makes your computer vulnerable when connected to an external network or internet) we were able to do some sql injection and bypass security.

We setup Zap to intercept traffic both to and from the server such as 

Phase 3 : Hacking Requests and Responses

The exercises involved deep dives into the following :

  1. Cross site scripting where you redirect the content from WebGoat to another url.
  2. XSS flaws and how we can try to detect them.
  3. Hijacking the user's current session


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