Book Summary : How to fail at almost everything and still win big

This is a summary of Scott Adam's book "How to fail at almost everything and still win big". Scott has most likely failed at more things than the average person. This is because he tries his hand at new skills and businesses which in term lead him to big successes such as the Dilbert series.
 Major takeaways from the book
  1. Let energy be your indicatorDecide on what you do based on your energy. If you feel something excites you, let that be the indicator to do more of it. Chances of success are higher on these projects.
  2. Goals vs SystemsHe bluntly says goals are for losers. Goals are specific objectives while systems are to be followed on regular basis. “Losing 10 pounds” is a goal, “eating healthier” is a system. Focus on better systems rather than goals. Systems oriented people feel good every time they follow the system, goals oriented are always busy chasing their goals and once they have attained it feel miserable (and start looking for another one). There are too many options (distractions) irrespective of the plan, focus is important.
  3. Being selfish is importantDuring life you are always wondering if you are too selfish or not selfish enough with your time. The number one thing to focus on is yourself. Focus on self (health and finances). If you don't take care of your economics and health, then you become a burden on your friends and family. The outer circles are your family, your community, your country and the world. But the inner circle of yourself needs to be taken care of so you can contribute to the outer circles.
  4. Acquiring new skillsEvery skill you acquire doubles your chances of success. Every single skill is transferable, that can be related to other areas of your life.
  5. Control your scheduleIf you want to achieve happiness, the quickest thing you should be focusing on is the control of your schedule.
  6. Attitude
    Positive attitude is not optional. Daydreaming, positive forms of entertainment, smiling... all contribute to positive attitude.
  7. Who you know is importantYou don’t not need CEOs and billionaires, just knowing friends who know different things than you is sometimes sufficient.
  8. Recognizing your talents and knowing when to quit
    Childhood obsessions and tolerance for risk are rough guides to talents. Deciding when to fight against an obstacle and when to quit is difficult. Things that some day work out well, start out well, albeit it be a small success but things that start bad usually never become a success.
  9. Humor
    Its not just a form of entertainment, it helps in developing more social connections as well as boosts personal energy.
  10. AffirmationsRepeat to yourself what you want to achieve while imagining the outcome you want. It improves the odds of success.
    Author is careful at pointing out that there might a coincidence or his selection bias in play here.
  11. Association ProgrammingHumans are social animals, we are influenced by people near us.
    Spend time with people who most represent what you would like to become. Their good habits and energy will rub off on you.
  12. Diet
    We are doing the diet things wrong. We are focusing on what not to eat instead of focusing on all the good food you can eat. Focus on what you can eat and eat plenty of it so that it becomes easy to avoid foods that are not good for you.
  13. Fitness
    Be active every day – don’t use willpower to decide workout and don’t do things you don’t like. Do anything which feels pleasant, walking is fine too.
  14. Failures
    Failures will happen from time to time. Use them as learning tools for your next venture.


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